Micro Credential Program

Micro-Credentials are certifications of skills or competencies in a specific field, awarded by official and professional institutions to individuals who have successfully completed a series of programmed stages. These learning stages in Micro-Credentials can be conducted online or offline. The Micro-Credential program is designed for a short duration to provide flexibility and ease of access for individuals to acquire new skills or competencies or to enhance existing ones.

In the era of globalization and rapid technological advancement, the demand for graduates with specialized skills and industry-relevant competencies is increasing. Therefore, the Micro-Credential program has become an effective solution for students to meet these challenges. This program not only offers students the opportunity to enhance their skills but also supports the achievement of Higher Education Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU) 2, which involves students gaining off-campus experiences.

The “MICRO-CREDENTIAL LEARNING PROGRAM ASSISTANCE FOR STUDENTS” can be participated in by undergraduate, applied undergraduate, or diploma III students. Students who have completed and passed the validated micro-credential learning program can have their achievements recognized as part of the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program, such as the Bentuk Kegiatan Pembelajaran (BKP). Through this program, students can take courses or training relevant to their field of study at other institutions, both domestically and internationally, thereby enriching their learning experience and enhancing their competitiveness in the job market.

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